UPDATE – Experiment: Once opened, does whiskey go bad over time?
Just a quick update on our experiment :
All of the bottles are now at their destination fill levels!
Well, technically many hit their level before today, but let’s call this the “start date” for purposes of the air-time/age equation. The six bottles in Group D: 10% Full all were brought down to that level yesterday. The two Group C: 30% Full hit their target on 6/24/2018, and the one Group B: 60% Full was done on 5/19/2018.
From this point on, I’ll visually check the bottles from time to time. If the Group D: 10% Full bottles start to look like they are clearly taking a downward turn (like looking murky or something, which I don’t expect to be the case), that will be when we pull the trigger. Our hope is that doesn’t happen, and we’ll have a tasting to collect results in during the summer of 2020, and be prepared to post results shortly thereafter!
Next step – to device the scoring/assessment approach. Will share some thoughts/ideas here in the coming months, and look forward to feedback.
UPDATE – Experiment: Once opened, does whiskey go bad over time? Read More »