Dewar’s Signature
Dewar’s Signature Blended Scotch Whisky
Bottle Number A18955
43% ABV
$180 to $200
What the Distillery Says:
There are over 160 years of blending traditions in every bottle of Dewar’s Signature Blended Scotch Whisky. Carefully layered from the rarest whiskies from each of Scotland’s whiskies regions and double barrel aged to bring out the complex flavor, Dewar’s Signature Blended Scotch Whisky is our richest, fullest, and smoothest creation.
Our Dewar’s Signature Blended Scotch Whisky is Honeyed, rich toffee and velvet
What Richard Says:
Nose: Oranges, smoke, wet hay, floral notes, and vanilla.
Palate: Rich, creamy, and welcoming. More vanilla, caramel hard candies, more hay, and spicy oak notes at the back of the palate.
Finish: Heavy on the pepper, spice and oak. Medium length. Surprisingly robust given the delicate nature of the nose and palate.
Comments: This is possibly the most well balanced dram of scotch I’ve ever had. This is absolutely delightful. The next time you’re thinking about grabbing a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue, grab a bottle of Dewar’s Signature instead. You won’t regret it.
Rating: Must Try